The IQ has an RGB LED that is is used to indicate quite a lot of info about the current operational state the IQ is in.
What is your IQ trying to tell you?
Green flash every 5 minutes - IQ is online and operating normally.
Red-Green-Blue (3 times flash) - IQ Reset in progress.
Permanent Blue - IQ is booting. This should change to other behaviour after a little while. If it stays Blue for more than a few minutes, the IQ may be defective. Please contact your supplier if that is the case.
Blinking Purple every second - No node communication. This means that there might be an issue with the firmware. Please contact support for further assistance.
Permanent White - First time initialised/ Factory mode.
Blinking Red every second - No connection to the server. Could be a (mobile or LAN) network issue.
Blinking Blue every second - The IQ is downloading and installing an update.
Blinking Green every second - Bluetooth pairing mode is active, the mobile app can connect to configure WIFI or LAN settings if required. If nothing happens, normal operation will be resumed after 2 minutes.
Permanent Green - Mobile app is connected to IQ over Bluetooth.
Permanent Purple - No active subscription for this IQ. Subscription is probably expired. If an IQ is removed from a site, this behaviour is also shown.