Deleting your SALTO KS profile will result in your information being removed from our system entirely. This cannot be undone.
Profile: Your personal data from your registration including your name and email address.
Subscription: Your SALTO KS user subscription in your Web and/or Mobile Application.
Please note that deleting your profile is independent of cancelling your SALTO KS Subscription. Click here if you would like to cancel your subscription.
If you want to delete your profile, please reach out directly to SALTO Systems support, with your request for profile deletion and provide your email address in this request. Once you provide your email address, we can locate your profile, and have it deleted. This removes your personal data from our system.
A profile can be associated with multiple sites. Before we can delete your profile, we will need to consult the Site Owner(s) concerned with your profile for consent. This is because the Site Owner is the data owner, and will need to confirm the profile deletion request.