A great benefit of having cloud-connected locks, is the ability to monitor access. In both the mobile- and web-application, you are able to see who accessed which lock, at what time. The web-application allows you to further filter this overview and it has a very useful CSV file export-functionality. The Events are divided in two groups: Entries and incidents.
On either Entries or Incidents, you can search, filter and/or sort each column. Below the column title you can see what options you have. Upon changing any of these parameters, the table will automatically update itself.
For both pages it is possible to run an CSV file as well. By default the button to do so is greyed out - for a period no longer than a month must first be selected. To do this, click below the right column that says ‘date/period’. When clicking, a block appears with a calendar, allowing to select a specific date. After selecting a start- and enddate, the table will update itself - and if the period is shorter than a month the option to export becomes available.