Authorization Code Flow

If your client has Authorization Code grant type, you can request an access token using Postman.

You can find a step by step instruction here:

You can learn more about OpenId Connect Authorization Code flow from these resources:

But if you need more guidance, which is Connect API specific, here it comes.


In the Authorization tab for a request, select OAuth 2.0 from the Type dropdown list. Specify that you want to pass the auth details in the request headers.


To request an access token, click Get New Access Token.

The list of parameters to request a new access token is as follows


Login in your client app. If you are using SaltoKS Web app front end, then the login screen will look like this:


After you have inserted your credentials, you’ll be presented with a consent form.



Now you have an access token (and maybe a refresh token) that you can use to make API calls to Connect API. Click Use Token to add it to current request, or copy and paste it to your environment variables to reuse it between requests. In either way the token should be sent in Authorization request header as a Bearer token.


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